Invoking Angels!

Everyone (including you), whether you realize it yet or not, has Angels and EVERYONE is able to communicate with them and receive their guidance! This workshop is your perfect opportunity to learn how!

We all have Guardian Angels, Archangels and so many different Angels guiding, supporting, and loving from beyond the physical. Why might you not be aware of them yet? Angels honor your free will and honor your opportunity to make choices in your life at all times. They will always honor your space to learn lessons. Because of this, they often won’t interfere in your reality without your permission.

However, when you invite you Angels to be with you by invoking them into your present moment… Your angels are more than happy to connect with you, to uplift you vibrationally, and to flow their love, healing, guidance, and support into all area of your life!

Angels are our guardians and guides. They are divine spiritual beings of love and light that work with humanity to help us in this lifetime. Guardian angels are unique to each person; we each have our own team. For some people this may be one angel, for others it may be many;

Guardian Angels and Archangels work with our spirit guides to form what I like to call our “Celestial Guidance Team”. Together, this team can give each of us protection, healing, guidance, inspiration, opportunities, support, comfort and just about whatever else we may need. When asked, they conspire on our behalf for our highest good. While there is no formal training or technique needed to ask your angels for help, there are some specific ways you can learn that will immediately align you with Angel energy!  When you ask for help from your angels and allow yourself to be open for guidance in this manner, you leave room for endless possibilities and avoid limiting language and mindsets; allowing the angels to work their brand of magic to bring you what you need to create your intentions!

Are you ready to be open to the energy of the Angels?

Angels are energies here to help us during our experience on earth. They can assist and heal situations with their vibrations. Beings from the other dimensions such as angels are helping us awaken and raise our vibration! They are supporting and loving us while we are learning in our human form. In this beautiful workshop, you will learn how to get to know your personal guardian angel and how to call upon other angels for help and guidance!

With loving embrace, there is no energy like that of the angels, pure unconditional love. YOU are worthy of walking and talking with the angels … EVERYONE is worthy and able to connect with the angels, so I am so excited to have you join me so that I can show you how!

You will Learn and experience:

  • About Angels, Their role, purpose, and history
  • Releasing fear & negativity and trusting your intuition
  • Types of angels
  • Meditations and invocations to connect with your angels
  • Who are the Archangels and how to connect with them
  • Identifying your guardian angel
  • Feel the Angels and attune to their frequency
  • Guided visualization to meet your angel team!

This Angel workshop  allows you to develop a friendship and a journey of oneness through loving contact. I look forward to showing you how!

Contact me to schedule your private group or 1:1 workshop session!

Remote Sessions

Remote energy work and clairvoyant guidance sessions are an amazing way to work with me from wherever you are, especially now as we continue to practice social distancing!

It helps to understand and embrace that everything and everyone is made of energy and we are all connected within this matrix of energy! So…. my tapping into that energy is very similar to tapping into the internet. With that, I am therefore also connected to you, your guides, master teachers, ancestors, and most importantly, your highest self!

During your actual session, I connect to your energy and your guides as I do energywork/Reiki for you. The clairvoyant guidance I receive for you comes through strongest for me as I’m doing that energy work! As the Reiki/energy/lightwork is happening for you, I’m channeling messages for you from your guides, angels, highest self. (I’m the energetic vessel and conduit for those messages to come through me so that I can deliver them to you. I’m a very visual person so I receive lots of images that give me a lot of information to share/translate for you.

For these remote sessions, I take time before your session to prepare and set up space for you just as I would if you were going to be here physically. I always sit to meditate before your session so that I am fully present and acting as a clear conduit and channel for all that you need.

All that YOU need to do is find a place, where you will not be disturbed, to settle down and relax! I believe that the best results are achieved when you are lying down but of course you may simply sit with eyes closed wherever you are most at ease. Remember, this session is for your rejuvenation and relaxation as well so please plan to be still and treat yourself to this loving and healing energy!

I am deeply connected with your energy and your guides at that time and I allow myself to be led as to what you need most. For instance, I choose and place different crystals for you, I might light a specific candle, do sound healing for you, or set up different things within the space so that I can channel the energy you need most for your session.

I personally connect best without FaceTime, zoom, phone call etc. during your session. This way my meditative flow isn’t interrupted, there are absolutely no distractions, I connect more deeply, and I’m able to recall all that I’m meant to share with you. I then message with you and send you a series of audio recordings with your messages that I received! This is wonderful you because you can save those recorded messages to listen to them again and again. Each time that you listen, you WILL receive it in a new way and you always get from it exactly what you need to at that time! After I give you those audio messages, if there is still time in the session,  we can of course follow up via phone.

  • My sessions are very deep and extremely detailed so please plan on taking that time for yourself!
  • If you choose the Channeled Messages only option with me, I AM able to do your session no matter where you are or what you are doing! I will then send you a series of audio recordings that contain all of your channeled messages! Feel free to contact me with any questions!

My remote sessions are  priced as follows:

30 minutes Channeled Messages only: $44

60 minutes Channeled messages Only: $77

80 minutes Remote Reiki, Sound Healing & Channeled Messages: $88

90 minutes Remote Reiki, Sound Healing, & Channeled Messages $99

YES, I also do couples sessions remotely!!! Couples remote sessions (Spouses, siblings, friends etc) are $111 for 80 minutes,

I look forward to being with you for a remote session soon! 

You may email me at or text/call me at (614)787-0583 to set up your appointment!

Purchase your session here…

Divine Feminine Healing & Awakening!

Divine Feminine Healing and Awakening…A healing and return to your divine feminine power and wisdom. 

The Divine Feminine energy center is the most powerful energy center in a Woman’s body. It is the direct link, and the direct channel to her Goddess creation capacity! 

This miraculous energy is encoded within your womb space (also known as the Sacral Chakra and Shakti) and also births the frequency of how your life unfolds, and the experiences, people and events that come to you. Shouldn’t it be filled with light and joy? 

Our Divine Feminine essence and vitality is ruled by the Sacral Chakra. It is a place of sexuality and creativity. When it becomes unbalanced, you will start to notice that your emotions can run wild, inspiration will be blocked, fertility is impaired, and relationships will begin to form problems. Our womb is a divine container for life, creativity, immense power, and strength!

When the The Divine Feminine is wounded, shutdown, afraid and hurt, we often magnetize negative events or relationships, re-experiencing our original trauma, again and again.

Every emotional, energetic, and sexual encounter we experience imprints into this energy center which is also our Womb space. Scientists have now discovered that we carry the genetic material of past lovers within our body for up to seven years. More significant than this, is that we carry the emotional and energetic wounds with us for years and years, even our entire life, until we choose to explore, release and heal them.

When you choose to release and clear these negative imprints and attachments, you can begin to birth beauty, love and good fortune back into your life. Your Divine Feminine Center, which is your foundation, becomes secure, healthy and open. Miraculous shifts in your life and law of attraction can happen as the Womb begins to heal, regain her trust in life again, and magnetize loving support.

There is no trauma, relationship, or Ancestral/past life wound that cannot be healed, cleared and released – when we have the courage to feel it and face it.

This healing session is for you if:

  •  If you are wishing to meet your Soulmate or deepen your relationship
  • Seeking Motherhood in your life (Even if you are adopting a child!)
  • Would like to awakening your creative energy, abundance, and groundedness
  • If you have recently separated from a lover and wish to clear that energy
  • Those who have experienced deep trauma in their body
  • Seek to release and heal from a break up
  • You wish to heal Mother/Father wounds that are holding you back
  • Want to harness your raw feminine power to create the life you want
  • You wish to balance your feminine and masculine energy

Every session will be focused on what you most need to heal at that time. Sheri enters deep meditation before your arrival to gain the guidance needed so that all of the energy work during your session is relevant to your needs.

Sessions include all of the following:

  • Deep Breathwork focusing on the cleansing and clearing of the  Heart Chakra and the Sacral Chakra
  • Release of what isn’t serving you at through Goddess fire bowl ritual (Writing these things down & watch them go up in smoke!)
  • A beautiful Reiki and Sounding healing session focusing on the Divine feminine as well as other energy centers of the body
  • My Intuitive messages and guidance using my gifts as an empath, Claircognizant, Clairsentient, and Clairtangent.
  • Divine Feminine Blessing and awakening closing meditation.
  • You may record the Intuitive Guidance portion of your session
  • You will receive a follow up email containing guidance on moving forward and the womb blessing for you to practice on your own.

Womb Healing & Awakening is a beautiful path to healing and reconnection – opening to and embracing all of yourself and merging with the web of life,  bring you back into your primal center,  your feminine consciousness, feelings, and intuition. 

This deeply healing session is 60 minutes long

One session is $85 and a 3 session package is $195






Reiki and Messages!

What could be better than receiving the healing energy of Reiki and receiving psychic/intuitive messages and guidance?!

Sheri Rathburn is a Reiki Master, Master meditation Instructor and Sound Healer who also happens to be and Empath and Intuitive. During your Reiki & Messages session, you will receive amazing and healing Reiki  during which she will also “tune in” to your guides and higher self to relay any messages meant for you! During the last portion of your session, she will answer any questions you have regarding these messages and she will give you a complete intuitive reading.

How do I receive the guidance and messages I pass on to you?

As a Master Empath and Intuitive I receive most of the valuable information and messages from your guides and higher self through touch using my gifts of Clairtangency (clear feeling through touch) and Clairsentience (clear knowing). During every session the client receives a very relaxing and healing Reiki and Sound Healing session through which I also receive the guidance you need most at that time. After your energy work session I will share these messages with you, the images that present themselves, and the translation of that information for you to process. It is with exceptional clarity and loving kindness that I relay that guidance in the best possible way for you to take full advantage of it right away. It is truly a beautiful, moving, and transformational experience!

Session fee: $95 per hour/$125 for 90 minutes

During my sessions there is quite a lot of information and guidance that comes through me to share with you! The amount of information from your guides and your highest self (your soul self) varies from person to person. This information, otherwise known as your reading, is channeled through me as your guide and messenger.

During our time together, I share with you the messages that comes through the strongest and feels of the most priority. I also guide you on how to move forward with that information!

I allow at least 30 minutes of your session to go over these channeled messages with you. If there is more information that comes through that will not fit within this time frame, you will have the option to add on more time during your session or via a follow up email for an additional fee. The fee schedule is listed here below:

My sessions are very deep and the messages and guidance I channel for you is extremely detailed so plan on spending 90 minutes with me! My fee is $135 for 90 minutes including reiki/energy work, sound healing, and the clairvoyant reading with guidance in moving forward.

  • YES you may record the Intuitive Guidance portion of your session!




DNA Activation, Sound Healing, & Messages!

Are you need of a lift and shift? Well, come on in and make yourself at OM!

This guided DNA Activation experience WILL clear blocks and barriers, and it WILL increase your innate abilities…that amazing encoded goodness within you! 

As a Master Healer, Light Worker, and sound healing practitioner I have created a very special DNA Activation experience through the fusion of guided visualization using my voice and guided imagery, Theta Healing, Sound Healing through crystal and Tibetan bowls, and the heightened healing energy of Om2Ohm!

I have been using this DNA Activation process with phenomenal results for 10 years now for both group and individual sessions!

Guided DNA Activation to help you release what isn’t serving you so that you can manifest what should be!

  • Sound healing with sacred crystal bowls and Tibetan singing bowls.
  • Reiki to aid the activation during your session.
  • Cord cutting to remove energetic attachments
  • Channeled clairvoyant messages & Guidance

This Epigenetic Clearing WILL help to remove old patterns it will have a lasting benefit in your life if you attend and experience it with that intention! 

YOU create your life while you live it.

You WILL attract the Universal Guidance you need.

Your CURRENT dominant vibration is what is attracting everything to you right now and always…ths experience WILL catapault youinto a higher vibration!

What you put your dominant attention on now with a matching vibration, YOU WILL ATTRACT!

Are you ready to make that shift? 

You are not here by accident.

Something brought you here.

This is YOUR opportunity.

Take it.

This Deeply transformative session is 90 minutes in length. Once you have purchased your session, please text me at (614)787-0583 to schedule your time with me!

Session Fee: $125

Soul Connection Session

Enter a deep state of meditation effortlessly to experience higher consciousness… Through this deep meditation session through color, light, and sound, you can raise your vibration and safely open yourself up to higher levels of awareness!

This 60 minutes session includes…

  • Reclining in the very comfortable OmColorLite chair
  • Deep meditation music layered with Binaural Beats and color sound frequencies
  • Brainwave Entrainment session program specifically for higher consciousness
  • Intuitive consult for guidance regarding your experience

Higher levels of awareness can center on the connection between the mind, body and spirit. They can also involve an ability to awaken the chakras, activate dormant DNA, and gain entry into higher plains of existence to access information that lies deep within you!

Why would you want to do this?

  • Gaining a better understanding of self Tap into the mind/body/spirit connection. When consciousness is raised, you can “see” more clearly. When the subconscious is tapped into during an exploration of self, this part of the mind can even help you gain an edge in life, project more positive energies and assist in the breaking of bad habits or the developing of good ones.
  • Gaining access to untapped powers – Deep meditation and awareness on a spiritual level has been said to awaken powers in some individuals that transcend the everyday. Astral awareness, psychic abilities, telepathy,  and more are all linked to operating on a higher level of consciousness.
  • Meet and communicate with your spirit guides! We are not alone and we always have divine help waiting to assist!
  • To simply experience a blissful state without years of training and distractions impeding your progress!


This session is $85 per hour session.


Past Life Regression Session

What is a past life regression session?

A past-life regression recalls scenes, feelings and memories from another lifetime that one has lived as though it were happening now. YOU create a focus or intention for the session. This is followed by guided meditation and deep relaxation which enables you to access important subconscious memories from this lifetime or another. The subconscious, in its infinite wisdom, will selectively reveal what is appropriate and healing for your current life situation. Some people see glimpses of several past lives; others may delve into one specific past life in more detail; another may discover important repressed memories from the current lifetime. Oftentimes people feel they are “making up” the past life memories. As you become more comfortable with the process, you will discover that this information is valuable and authentic and contributes to your healing and well being. Some people have very vivid and emotional recall while others may have an intuitive knowing without a lot of emotion and imagery.

 Past Life Regression Sessions help you discover who you ARE by exploring who you WERE… 

It is a truly transformative session during which you will explore one or more of your past lives or future lives and will receive answers to the questions you have from your Guides and your Higher Self. When you need guidance making decisions, want to resolve emotional and health issues or want to understand your purpose in life and the events that surround you, you can turn to past life regression for assistance!

Does it work?

Absolutely.  Even if you are a bit skeptical and uncertain you should give past life regression session a chance.  And here is the beauty of it – the sessions work even if you do not believe that the experience was real.  All you need is an open mind and intent to receive the healing and the answers you are looking for.

Why will revisiting a past life help me resolve current issues?

You are connected with other lives where you have been working through similar challenges as the issues you are now facing. We also tend to reincarnate with the same group of souls so that we can work together on lessons, resolve karma, gain understanding and grow spiritually.  Through revisiting a past life you are able to understand how those challenges were handled in other lives. Simply re-living and re-experiencing creates the kind of understanding that is really transformative. This empowers you to forgive, to let go, to learn and ultimately to make different choices in your present life.  Such deep spiritual healing often translates into the healing of physical symptoms and illnesses.

What to expect:

  • This session is 1.5 hours long
  • Expect to be extremely relaxed!
  • You will be lead on a beautiful 30 minute journey with guided visualization, layered with healing music and sound.
  • This journey will lead you through at least one past life and possibly more.
  • As an option you may choose Reiki as a part of this past life regression session to remove old energetic & karmic blockages
  • A full hour Psychic Reading/Intuitive Counsel is a vital part of this session to decipher messages and help you to move forward!
  • You may record this portion of your session for future personal use.

The average session is 90 minutes long and there is quite a lot of information and guidance that comes through me to share with you. The amount of information from your guides and your highest self (your soul self) varies from person to person. This information, otherwise known as your reading, is channeled through me as your guide and messenger. I allow at least 40 minutes of this session to go over these channeled messages with you. If there is more information that comes through that will not fit within this time frame, you will have the option to add on more time during your session or via a follow up email for an additional fee. The fee schedule is listed here below:

$125 For a full 90 minutes that includes the guided visualization, reiki, sound healing, and Intuitive Counsel

$45 per 30 minutes additional time added to your session (This added time can be at the time of your session or via email after your appointment)

  • YES you may record the Intuitive Guidance portion of your session!

Ultimate DNA Activation!

During this special 90 minute session you will:

  • Experience our beautiful private OmRoom and relax with no distractions!
  • Enjoy being completely at peace and guided through a visualization meditation to release fear and doubt, awaken intuition and open and activate dormant DNA strands.
  • You participate in the activation by holding the intention of allowing, thus heightening the experience and your energy making your session even more powerful.
  • This deep meditation and 12 Strand DNA Activation utilizes color and sound. The vibrations of the sacred Solfeggio frequencies open the receptors of your cells, allowing the activation to more easily be imprinted on the DNA. Sound sets the vibration of the body at the correct rate to receive the activation at each level. The energy vibration of colors adds to the power of this activation.
  • For the 2nd half of your ultimate DNA Activation session, you will receive a combination of Reiki and Sound Healing to further lift and clear stuck energy and to deepen you activation.
  • Finally, this session includes the messages from your guides that come through Sheri as the conduit and channel for your session. She will share what she felt and saw and she will also explain what to do with that information!

Soooooo…You may be asking, “What the heck is DNA Activation?” 

You may already know that DNA is the ‘blueprint of life’ and is located in every cell of the body. In addition to each chromosome’s 2 strand double helix of DNA, there are an additional 22 etheric strands of  DNA available to each human. These additional strands, that science sometimes call “junk DNA” because as far as we know right now, it just seems like extra “stuff” with no real purpose. The TRUTH is that these additional DNA stands hold encoded information and characteristics that have simply been dormant since the beginning of recorded history. Each additional strand possesses attributes that permit the individual to perform greater human accomplishments. As scientists acknowledge, we currently only use 3% of our current 2 strand DNA. Imagine activating even some of this dormant DNA, perhaps unlocking some of your most needed healing and your greatest potential?

DNA Activation is the way to regain the memory of your unlimited self through the gradual activation of your dormant DNA. Your DNA, which make up all of the cells within your body, are information super stores that hold all that you came from, all that you are, and also absorb all life experiences. By changing the information caused by traumas to information about infinite possibilities, your life experience is changed from one of fear and limitation to ultimate freedom and potential!

The DNA activation is change and it translates as a type of reprogramming – a way of consciously overwriting the noises of EGO with the light language of the soul, installing its messages directly into the body. It gives you the the opportunity to hold and feel the energy of your true expression, and not the distorted, polarized ego-version.

DNA activation works on a very deep, cellular level, directly changing each cell’s memory. The re-programming happens through the nervous center, specifically the medulla oblongata, which sends messages to the rest of the body. Updating the DNA with new beliefs and memories enables an amazing transformation from within the body throughout the entire system of a human being!

What are the reported benefits and results of Deep Meditation and DNA Activation?

  • Align with your life’s purpose
  • Gain energy, clarity and focus
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Balance and use more of your brain
  • Evolve spiritually
  • Release unconscious patterns
  • More awareness and expanded consciousness
  • Greater connection with your Higher Self
  • Body may feel and look younger
  • Increased self-trust
  • Improved memory
  • Heightened intuition
  • Increased inner peace and calmness
  • Shifting out of fear and doubt
  • Expanded ability to move into unconditional love
  • Detoxification at physical and emotional levels
  • Improved communication with your spirit guides
  • Benefit your nerves, blood, skin, respiratory system and muscles
  • Move into your highest potential and greatest empowerment
  • Helps to clear your individual & family genetic and karmic patterns (3 to 5 generations)

Will I feel anything while the DNA Activation is happening?

It depends on how sensitive you are to energy. Some people feel the session very strongly (heat, twitches) as it is happening. Others may feel sleepy.  You may notice  tingles or some other sensations in the head area (crown chakra). In most cases, people experience a spontaneous physical or emotional healing at the time of the activation. After that, there will be numerous changes in the next few days, weeks and months. Most people experience an increase in energy, and go through a cleansing or detox  process. DNA Activation is an eternal process and you will notice changes throughout your lifetime from these sessions.

The DNA Activation is a huge acceleration step on your personal path of enlightenment, empowerment and personal health. Many experience a greater depth and richness to their emotions.  Some speak of heightened creativity, or say that ideas and concepts that were once obscure become clear. Most speak of expanded  awareness, greater peace and understanding of the person they already  are, along with  increased physical energy and improved personal health.

What type of healings occur after having DNA Activations?

Spontaneous healings can occur at the time of activations. These usually have to do with acute physical and emotional disorders. There is a purification process that begins to detoxify the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. There have been many clients who have cured themselves of  chronic or serious diseases after having the DNA activation.

Wew! That’s a lot to take in I know, BUT we are, after all,  amazing beings made of incredible light and possibility. Isn’t it time for you to harness what is right there within you just waiting to be activated into action and your highest joy and potential?

  • Session Fee: $125    Session Duration: 90 minutes

Quantum Clearing Session

Get ready for an entirely new you that is free of fear and blockages! Quantum Clearing is energetic and vibrational healing. It is a powerful healing that addresses your overall health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It is a TRANS-DIMENSIONAL process that incorporates the following to give you a complete healing experience.

  • Reiki Energetic clearing and balancing
  • Sound healing
  • DNA Activation
  • Intuitive Guidance
  • Crystal energy healing

Quantum Clearing might be compared to weed removal. Weeds can be cut off at the lawn’s surface, but unless the roots are removed, they will grow back even more aggressively! Traditional medicine stops at the lawn level, while Quantum Clearing goes to the place of origin, quickly and completely removing all roots and clearing the consciousness as though the problem never existed. As this starts to work, you will feel lighter and able to think more clearly.

Why does Quantum Healing work?

Energy healing works because everything that is manifested in the physical body is first created in the energy body, which is a field that surrounds the body. The only way to get rid of something entirely is to remove it from the energy body. There are many layers to the energy body, and by systematically removing blockages there, the physical body is positively impacted. Healing outside the body creates healing within it.

What can Quantum Healing help with?

Virtually anything can be healed, from physical problems such as knees, backs, migraines, fibromyalgia, arthritis, allergies; to mental and emotional issues such as anger, control, low self-esteem.

Quantum Clearing is not only for physical issues. In fact, it is especially helpful if you have destructive thoughts, feelings, fears, or emotions that you would like to release. The Quantum process clears out all these old energy patterns and replaces them with new, affirming, positive thoughts that will empower you. This will start moving negativities out of your body’s energy field and then out of your physical body.

Traumas have an enormous negative impact on energy systems. If you have experienced a trauma of any kind, it is imperative to get that cleared from your energy field so that it does not cause you any distress in the future. This includes auto accidents, sudden deaths, difficult relationship endings, catastrophic illness, surgeries, etc.

What happens during a session?

  • Together we discuss your situation and decide how to proceed with your session.
  • I intuitively assess your energetic, physical, and emotional condition.
  • You experience your session either lying down on a massage table or seated in a comfortable chair, fully clothed.
  • I use a variety of energy healing techniques to address those areas that are ready to heal. This typically includes aura cleansing, chakra balancing, and hands-on healing energy transfer.
  • Quantum clearing processes are put into play to clear the issues — mental, physical, and emotional — that need to be dealt with. Om2Theta Healing and Reiki are used as part of this procedure. Using these, we remove many things that do not serve you and also download many positive attributes into your energy field (including those you have requested).

How long is a session? These sessions last approximately 90 minutes.

Session Fee:  $125





DNA Activation!

Deep Guided Visualization & DNA Activation
You CAN actually change your blueprint of life, your DNA, to manifest your desires, enable you to expand your creative potential, provide access to your subconscious mind, and become more intuitive, and truly connect to your highest self!

Heal yourself & experience a dramatic shift in consciousness! Release old emotional baggage and all that doesn’t serve you, heal yourself physically, and activate your DNA strand by strand through this deep private experience.

As a Master Healer, Light Worker, and sound healing practitioner I have created this very special DNA Activation experience through the fusion of guided visualization using my voice and guided imagery, Theta Healing, specific sound frequencies, and the heightened healing energy of Om2Ohm.

 This DNA ACTIVATION session WILL clear blocks and barriers, and it WILL increase your innate abilities…that amazing encoded goodness within you!

  • This Epigenetic Clearing WILL help to remove old patterns
  • This experience WILL have a lasting benefit in your life if you attend and experience it with that intention!
  • YOU create your life while you live it…
  • You WILL attract the Universal Guidance you need…
  • Your CURRENT dominant vibration is what is attracting everything to you right now and always…ths experience WILL catapault you into a higher vibration!

I have been using this DNA Activation process with phenomenal results for several years now both as group and individual sessions. For this very special session I have combined the above with deep sound healing with crystal bowls, Tibetan singing bowls and Reiki for a life changing and soul connecting experience!

  • Releasing and centering breathing techniques
  • Guided DNA Activation to help you release what isn’t serving you
  • Open up and activate to manifest what you truly desire !
  • Sound healing with sacred crystal bowls and tibetan singing bowls.
  • Reiki energy healing to aid the activation and remove energetic attachments
  • Discussion and guidance to help you process this session (optional)
During this special 60 minute session you will:
  • Experience our beautiful OmRoom and relax in the zero gravity recliner or massage table with no distractions!
  • Enjoy being completely relaxed and guided through a visualization meditation to release fear and doubt, awaken intuition, open and activate dormant DNA strands.
  • You participate in the activation by allowing it fully, experiencing the energy of it and making it more powerful.
  • This deep meditation and 12 Strand DNA Activation utilizes color and sound. The vibrations of the sacred Solfeggio frequencies open the receptors of your cells, allowing the activation to more easily be imprinted on the DNA. Sound sets the vibration of the body at the correct rate to receive the activation at each level. The energy vibration of colors adds to the power of this activation.
  • The last 20 min of your session, Sheri will use Sound Healing with her Tibetan & Crystal bowls to “seal” your higher vibe in place!
  • (We will provide “after care” instructions and a list of what to expect in days/months to come (this is different for everyone!).
What are just some of the many reported benefits and results of Deep Meditation and DNA Activation?
  • Removes the energetic blockages that may be weighing you down
  • Guides you to embody your Higher self.
  • An  obvious consciousness expansion during and after the session.
  • You will start to become more aware and more intuitive.
  • Feeling as if great weight has been lifted
  • Your dormant brain functions will start to become active, especially your pineal gland. This will help to start tapping into your 7 Higher Senses, and you will be able to use these on a daily basis with practice.
  • You will notice that your manifesting ability will quicken greatly!

What you put your dominant attention on now with a matching vibration, YOU WILL ATTRACT!

Are you ready to make that shift?

You are not here by accident.

Something brought you here.

This is YOUR opportunity to activate the light within you!

Take it.

Session fee $85




Red Light Therapy

OmRedLite Therapy is based on Red LED Light Technology… This technology has been extensively researched and used by Nasa, Mayo Clinic, National Institutes of Health, US Military, and many more institutions worldwide! The OmRedLite chair surrounds you in powerfully affective narrow band red LED light to combat the symptoms of S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder), aging skin, Fibromyalgia, mild depression, and more! Om2Ohm highly recommends this treatment that has been scientifically proven to be effective and is FDA approved!

OmRedLite Therapy at Om2Ohm is also a wonderful skin treatment… that encourages your body to naturally produce enzymes, elastin fibers, and collagen that support the skin’s structure thus producing younger smoother and firmer feeling skin! We are thrilled to offer these wonderful skin rejuvenating sessions as a packaged bundle to get you on your way to younger looking skin!

During your session you will enjoy:

  • Beautiful private room
  • Reclining in the comfortable and lightly vibrating OmRedLite chair
  • The healing and rejuvenating effects of LED Red Light
  • No heat or adverse effects to the skin
  • Relaxing music layered with healing color sound frequencies.
  • Soft blanket and extra head cushion upon request