USUI Reiki I Immersion

Om2Reiki ~ Reiki I Immersion
In this powerful and comprehensive professional training, you will receive everything you need to become a confident and successful Reiki I practioner. You will learn to harness this powerful healing energy and channel it to yourself and others.
Becoming a Reiki practitioner opens energy channels in the body and the spirit. The first level is, first and foremost, about self discovery, your personal energy awareness and control, and self healing. This WILL lead to deep and profound changes in your quality of life, sense of self, and your ability to manifest. Not to mention giving yourself a holistic way to work with your own physical, emotional, and energetic challenges!
Even after a Reiki I training, students often experience a heightened sense of intuition and even psychic sense. Life direction can become clearer, as well as a heightened ability to hold love in a deeper way. Reiki teaches us to align with our innate compassion and goodness, and opens us to new possibilities.
I believe that in Reiki, “the healer is made. We are all healers, and the Universal Life Force Energy is said to lie dormant in our DNA, waiting for us to excavate it and use it for the benefit of others and the world!
REIKI defined…
Reiki is a Japanese technique for peace management and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by the “laying on of hands” and is based on the idea that “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.” As practitioners and healers we believe that this life force energy is greatly affected by our intentions. Our intention as the healer is to always give Reiki as a clear vessel free of ego and attachments so that Reiki energy flows freely. Our intention is to always be fully present with the unconditional love and the utmost compassion for those we are giving Reiki to.
This is how I embrace Reiki…
It is what I teach and practice EVERY DAY…
It is how I help to heal and empower my clients…
It is my way of life…
This is what YOU will learn along with an abundance of nurturing and personal attention!
Program Agenda:
- Opening meditation, breathwork, & sound healing to clear and open to reiki energy
- What is Reiki?
- History of Usui Reiki
- Reiki Ethics
- Choku Rei Symbol: The Reiki Power Symbol
- Guided Chakra clearing, balancing, & activation
- Reiki Level 1 attunement ceremony/Receiving the Choku Rei attunement
- Open and enhance your connection with the Source of Reiki Energy
- Byosen Scanning: Using the sensitivity in the hands to locate areas of unbalanced energy needing healing,
- Reiki Energy Healing benefits
- Feeling the Reiki Energy on your hands: The “Ball of Fire” or Energy exercise
- Reiki Self Healing Practice
- Kenyoku: Dry bathing, a method to purify your energy field
Also included with Reiki I Immersion investment of $395:
- Reiki I Immersion Manual
- Also Includes private 2 hour in depth Reiki practice session and supplemental teaching (will be scheduled for a separate date)
- Certificate of Reiki I completion (given after the practice session completed)
Those who complete this in depth Reiki certification workshop will receive a Reiki Level I certificate be qualified to advance to Reiki Level II.
- This workshop is also a beautiful way to refresh your skills and your Reiki connection even if you have already taken Reiki I in the past.
Important details to make note of:
- All of my Reiki Certification workshops held privately 1:1 or with your chosen group of up to 3 people.
- Contact me to schedule your private Reiki certification with me
- This Reiki Certification workshop is to be taken after completing Reiki I and the practice/supplemental teaching that accompany each level.
- Each level includes teachings of the accompanying symbols and you WILL be attuned to those symbols!
- If you were taught Reiki elsewhere and you DID NOT receive an attunement/attunements please let me know so that I can get you appropriately caught up!
- The first segment of your Reiki certification is a 3 hour workshop and your attunement. Please be well rested, dress comfortably and bring water to keep yourself hydrated. Students are permitted to bring a light snack for our short break midway through.
- The 2nd segment of your certification will be a 2 hour hands on practice session and supplemental teaching where I will guide you through in depth teachings of reiki hand placements, Byosen scanning, working with the biofield through reiki. You will e asked to bring a volunteer to practice on or I can provide one for you.
- I DO NOT offer multiple Reiki levels of certification and attunement in one day or weekend. As a Grand Master Teacher, I personally believe it to be very important that my students have adequate time to process what they have learned and to be able to process the energy of each attunement. These teachings are sacred and quite powerful! I believe they are to be honored as such.
- PLEASE refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, scented lotions, and heavily applied essential oils as I and others are highly sensitive and allergic in most cases! Thank you for understanding!
Reiki Level II Fee is $395. This includes the Usui Reiki teachings, attunement, written materials, private practice w/supplemental teaching and certificate.
I DO offer package discounts for those interested in committing to multiple Reiki levels. Discounts will only be honored with full payment up front.
*** At this time, I am only offering Usui Reiki Certifications privately for 1-3 people. Contact me to schedule for yourself or your small group!