Ma’heo’o Reiki Session!

I am so excited to announce that I offer Ma’heo’o Reiki!

Although I had been channeling and using this method of Reiki in combination with Usui Reiki for sometime now, I’m honored to have been formally trained and attuned! Such a beautiful system of healing!

Ma’heo’o translated means Great Spirit or Great One. The word Ma’heo’o is Cheyenne, a Native American language. This system of energy combines the elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire with the Great Spirit to effectively activate and promote healing in the human condition.

Ma’heo’o combines the gentle energy of Reiki with the raw power of earth elements into a unified system. Ma’heo’o Reiki can bring you into contact with your spirit totems, give you your sacred name and balance your body through work with the elements and the Great Spirit.

I am still very much Spirit lead..

I allow myself to be the channel for what is needed most and I may also combine the following with your Maheo’o session:

  • Native American drum and rattle t break up and align energy where and how it is needed most
  • Crystal singing bowls
  • The use of Palo Santo, Sage, Copal, and or Kapachi natural incense (optional for those who are sensitive to smell and smoke!)
  • Mini fire ceremony before or after your session to release that which no longer serves you!
  • Messages from spirit and/or your highest self for the guidance you need most at this time!

Sessions are $85 per hour or $125 for 90 minutes

  • 30 minute mini sessions Saturday May 12th only for $45! Email me at or text me at (614) 787-0583 to schedule!