A Space Of Gratitude

As I watch the Fall grand finale at my home, I am completely immersed in gratitude…gratitude in all that I have, all that I see, all that I experience, all people, and my interconnectedness with the earth and all things.
To hold gratitude is to create an elevated vibration within you and all around you. When we choose to accept that the universe only wants our generosity and gratitude, we then participate in a beautiful flow… we merge into the most essential cycle through which creation thrives as described in the Law of Giving and Receiving. It is within this vibration that the real magic happens.
Spill over with appreciation for another being and notice how the flow comes from your heart center.
Feel the thrill of manifesting and merge into the euphoria of divine energy bringing more of what you desire and need right to your doorstep.
Help another hold the vibration of gratitude with your unconditional loving kindness.
Allow yourself to dive in and swim in this glorious vibration…feel it move through you and all around you.
Make Gratitude your home frequency.
Float and let the Universe carry you…effortlessly.