Be like water and flow…

Be like water and flow…
Water is the source from which all life springs. We require the constant flow of water into us, through us, and around us. Water is neither created or destroyed, it always continues to flow, circulate, and change form regardless of where it is and what obstacles might be in its path.
Water is like our existence here in this life. It isn’t about the quantity (although we often think it is!), it’s about motion and flow. In so many ways we are prone to think in terms of “having” and “not having” – gaining, acquiring, possessing, holding. What do I have? What do you have? What am I trying to get and how do I hold on to it?
Water doesn’t work that way. There is no holding it. There is no blocking it. It has to flow.
Be like water and flow…
Resistance never stops water, If it is blocked it will simply change form. Resistance is the universe keeping things in balance. Resistance is your greatest teacher. Learn from it. Learn from the flow of water.
Be like water and flow…
Whether you are swimming alongside others or floating on your own, you are never alone. You will always be guided toward your perfect path…your perfect ripple…your perfect wave. Just flow.