Blue Super Moon Channeled Message!

Joyous Full Blue Super Moon!

Enjoy this channeled message that came through for me today to share with you!!

You are the mother AND child
You are the stars AND the Universe
You are the healing as well as that which is yet to be healed
You are destruction and chaos, but you are also love and compassion
We see chaos as unbridled and wild, but chaos is more disciplined and organized than you think!
The ego wants to make sense of and compartmentalize why things are happening the way they are in your life right now, but your trust and faith are your TRUE allies… all else is an illusory trap. Don’t fall for that!
The interweaving of Chaos” and synchronicities are working for you right now… Do your best to receive and flow without drowning in the “why?” and “what if?”
Embrace the unknown and unexpected… you’ve been nurturing the pregnancy of your rebirth for some time now, but it’s time to welcome the NEW version of you…
Your highest self
Your authentic expression
Your brightest light!
Be ready for surprises and things manifesting in unexpected ways…
When we see the caterpillar nourish itself and then create its cocoon for slumber and transformation, we then later expect to see the cocoon become thin, showing the butterfly ready to emerge…
But what if something else emerges… What if the cocoon gives way to a new shape and form that goes against all odds? What if the cocoon gives away to pure light and a soul with wings that can still fly but without the physical form that is the norm?
Is that different? Is that unexpected? YES
Is that bad? Is that new and extraordinary truth to be cast aside and rejected because that isn’t how we expected the story to go?
The energy of this Full Blue Super Moon is as rare and powerful as it is magnificent in her luminous invitation to believe and receive!
Will you choose to birth and nurture this new version of yourself with faith, compassion and the wild joy of a child?
I hope so… with all of my being, I hope so!
