Message from the Ancient Ancestors of Light…

Today, I was honored to be invited to sit with the Ancient Ancestors of Light… Here is their message to us all. 

 With love and luminosity,
 ~ Sheri
There is a gateway being presented for you to walk-through… A higher frequency. A new state of consciousness for you to inhabit. Are you willing to shift?
Call upon the place within you where there is no time. where there is no separation. Where there is no loneliness or fear of abandonment.
There is ONLY the light created by the highest love imaginable.
You know this place because you were conceived within it and born of it.
We, the ancestors of light, have always been with you. We are a part of you and we are here now to help you remember.
There is only NOW. There is only your soul speaking to you through your heart.
Leave behind your tears of doubt, fear and worry for what is to come. NOW is the only place you are meant to be.
We are here to activate the light within you that you felt had been dimmed or hidden from you.
We are here to activate the light within you that you felt unworthy of.
We are here to activate the light within you that demands to be reborn because you have been calling for it.
You are being recalibrated with The highest frequencies of Love and hope. 
The spirit of love surrounds you at every moment of your life, and touches every aspect of your being. Love can guide you, transform you, and permeate everything around you. Call on Love now to enable you to relate more positively and with the higher vibration to the life you live, to those who you share it with and to the greater forces with which you Interact.
Love’s power is everywhere and transcends all that it touches. 
Let love touch you so deeply that you remember the innocence of your birth, your first breath, and the opening of your eyes in your world.
Feel this remembering and allow love to make you weep with JOY because you know that it is real and that you are made of it.
As the ancient ancestors of light, we open our arms in an all encompassing embrace with all humankind within it. In the same way, allow YOUR OWN love to flow – passionately and without censor or discrimination. Only through opening to loving deeply will your soul be seen and truly loved in return as it was meant to be. Only then will you be able to assist others in realizing and remembering their own light!
Hope is the light that shines into the darkest of places and offers strength and support in times of greatest need. NOW is the time of greatest need and precisely why this gateway of light is opening for you and for whoever is willing to receive it. 
Whoever walks with hope at their side is able to draw upon this deep well of enduring and unconditional love which overflows with the wisdom of understanding and acceptance.
Hope is the essential driving force that carries you forward as it has always done throughout the ages and in times of darkness and dispair. When you feel the furthest from hope is when it is most needed. That call is being answered.
The flame of HOPE transcends both fear and longing, offering instead a deep understanding of our inner destiny. This hope will lift and carry you NOW, when it is needed most.
See and feel this gateway of light. feel the depth and the vastness of its frequency. Know that it is open for you to step through at any time that you choose to!
Look ahead into this light…this gateway, and you will see the triumph that you seek. Do not look back, only forward as you step into your new home frequency. It belongs to you but you must re-gift it to yourself.
The Ancient Ancestors of Light are here to hold, protect and guide you within the light that is all things.