The Singer of Connection! 2-08-2024

The high frequencies of the singer of connection are swirling around you now!
This melodic song and dance is inviting you to blissfully submit!
The Singer of Connection speaks of spiritual connection, Karma, Balance, and Empathy. The singer supports all connections, the web of light between all beings, all particles, and between past, present, and future. It brings wholeness to fractured energy we may be clinging to and combines all energies uniting all that was, is, or could be!
Get ready to be in full service to your wholeness!
When we lose awareness of the connections in our lives and within ourselves, we feel isolated, lonely, and bereft but that connection and energy is always there! I see it as a golden light filled cord just waiting to be reeled back in and reclaimed! You only need to be open to it!
There are emotions that help us open up like love, compassion, trust, and gratitude. There are also other emotions that we tend to close down around us unless we make a special effort to keep our hearts open. Such emotions are feelings like jealousy, anger, fear, grief, and others of a lower vibration that could be quite painful for us. Yet, sometimes, these very emotions, when carried to an extreme, cause us to break down and then break through to the song of ekstasis and even greater connection!
This journey through deeper connection and breaking down can be an extremely difficult one, because more often the breakdown just stays broken for a long time, and then we retreat back to a more crippled version of our original selves.
You are being are being lovingly swaddled now as you become even more aware of your essentially holistic nature and to work at keeping your heart open, seeing relationships evolve, becoming more earthed, centered, and connected!
It is only within allowing the letting go of all of your defenses that you become INVULNERABLE!
In this rightness and recognition for yourself, it may cause a bit of a shock for you to the point of catching your breath for a moment. Within that reluctance though, know that you are still nurtured and supported to keep opening and allowing this connection to release the “singer of connection” within you!
Rest assured that you will receive the help you need if you ask for it!
Maybe with this message, you realize that it’s time to reconnect some broken connections? DO NOT shut down with this question… This doesn’t necessarily mean reconnecting with those you have set strong boundaries with in the past or getting back together with an ex partner, but more so, it may mean reconnecting with aspects of yourself that you have disconnected for so long!
This message for you can also mean to be aware of the connections between different aspects of an issue that is under discussion, as well as the connections between the people linked by it. You may also need to consider BUILDING more connections, a tribe, or a network of mutual support, like NOW!
Open your voice… Sing out and ask for what you need, appreciate yourself for that authentic expression, and then sing louder and connect to your highest home frequency! Support and strength are now flowing through the connections with all involved at this time!
There is also a poetic presence with the highest of frequencies available for you right now, waiting to be tapped into!
With this presence comes boundless curiosity that could lead you into some “strange” and unfamiliar places, but perhaps some of the most beautiful and deeply profound for you just the same!
We often protect our wings and keep them neatly folded at our back so they are not readily available or visible. Perhaps you are still learning to use them properly and afraid to stretch them out and dry them in the sun so that you can fly higher?!
You’re being encouraged now to unfold your wings and don’t hesitate to be led into situations where you can fly high and thrive and not just survive!
Use your intuition at its deepest level, and start trusting that you can SEE things as they really are, and embrace that you have the gift to recognize ALL beauty… even the beauty of necessity and difficulty. This is not an unthinking, reflective, immature attitude, but an understanding of the beauty of what we learn from joy and sorrow, from ease and hardship, from pain and pleasure is what brings us to the highest plateau.
Get ready for the most beautiful view, because you will have earned it!
Perhaps you see yourself like the young apprentice Shaman, barely beginning on your path, but with a boundless energy in all things magical and mystical. This poetic presence I am describing… this effervescent energy, is encouraging you to be boundless as well and stop questioning the “why?” so that you can start acting upon the joyful steps and running leaps into claiming, and embracing your highest potential!
Invite the presence of youthfulness and this abounding energy. This is the time to do exciting things and to tackle projects you’ve been wanting to do but for which you perhaps felt you didn’t have the time or energy! It may even be the time to write about them, but you probably need to do them first!
Seek out your adventure, unfold your wings and fly high and proud as you discover the beauty of the now and the orchestral singer of connection that is your voice!