What is the Mystery?

Whenever we are talking Goddess stuff, Priestess stuff, or about soaking up all that magical esoteric delicious knowledge, there is a phrase that pops up.
Mystery School.
Sounds exciting and… well mysterious, right? Like it’s a grand carved old oak door set in a thousand year old stone house that you reach through a misty pathway in an enchanted forest, and inside an old wise woman will teach you to read the stars and the secrets of the universe…. (That’s me! lol!)
What is the Mystery for Goddess sake?!
Well, lets get down with that for a minute…
A Mystery refers to the deepest secrets of our pathway as Priestesses, Goddesses, Divine Feminine Healers, mystics and devotees of such things.
But it’s not a secret. You can’t read about it and just GET IT. It isn’t something you can know with your mind; it’s not information to consume and then simply share with people.
A Mystery is something you have to experience. Without the experience, you haven’t GAINED the knowledge.
It is in the DOING… It is in the BEING.
A Mystery School has much practical work you are expected to do – you can’t learn this stuff by reading about it, which goes against we have been taught thus far… because that’s the way we have been taught to learn, right? Read lots, thus you know lots.
But… in a Mystery School you are taught the things you cannot learn by reading alone. You are taught the deeper truth, you learn to KNOW with your whole heart. Whole heart knowing and brain knowing? Two totally different things.
You are asked to open yourself up and trust your own experiences and intuitions – it’s your journey, your guide cannot take it for you!
For example, in my Luminous Goddess Mystery School, I go wild with giving you many meditations, rituals, concepts, mini energy practices for you to do, try out, experience, and report back on: because the only way you will know the way of the Luminous Goddess is through direct experience. I can tell you all I know about Her, but without direct, personal experience with Her Mystery, you are never going to Know her. You will never make that shift: you will be unable to open up to the transformation devotion to Her offers because you haven’t truly opened your heart to her.
The path of a mystic is a path of mystery: of dancing with the divine, of uncovering deep truth, of feeling breathless love and the energy of the divine coursing through you.
You must emphatically dance the path yourself!
#Stayluminousmyfriends #Om2Ohm #Luminousgoddessmysteryschool