Who is Om2Ohm?

Welcome to Om2Ohm… A huge piece of my soul brought to life so that I can share it with you!

My name is Sheri Rathburn and I am the Founder of Om2Ohm. For 19 years, I have been an intuitive energy healer, spiritual teacher, Reiki therapist and clairvoyant guide.

I am a multidimensional soul, which means I am gifted in working with many modalities and practices. When you work with me, you will always receive exactly what you need in beautiful layers of peace and soul shifting expansion. I hold space for you as you navigate your full presence, balance, deep healing, and transformation!

Being a long-time women’s circle and ceremony leader is also a huge part of my heart and soul. Providing sacred space for divine feminine connection, sisterhood and spiritual expansion is one of the most beautiful offerings I am blessed to have and it has absolutely been the gateway to my incredible transformative events and gatherings!

I am a relentless hope dealer and a loving Soul Doula… It is my soul’s passion and my life’s work to help you birth your highest self and soul’s calling. 

 I am here to help you ignite and bring forth the light of your authentic self!

People who find me may be…

…In need of more peace and mental clarity.

…Would like to receive psychic guidance and messages from spirit

…Having trouble keeping the negative/strong energy of others from affecting them

…Feeling lost and confused – in their lives and in their most important relationships.

…Moving through the process of grief from loss of loved one or relationship

…Going through spiritual awakening and in need of deeper guidance

…Would like to connect more spiritually and find soul purpose!

…Looking for answers and guidance to move forward with confidence.

…Coping skills for being highly sensitive and/or empathic

…Looking for a deeply relaxing experience!

…Suffering from symptoms of anxiety

…Recovering from emotional and/or physical abuse

…Feeling overwhelmed and weighted down energetically.

…Looking for transformative immersive events, retreats, and gatherings.

How did I get here and why am I doing this work?

My own personal transformation through holistic and spiritual discovery work and years of extensive study and experience led me to all that I do now. My journey was long with many tears, realizations, personal epiphanies, and emotional detours. All of those experiences led me back to my authenticity, back to my soul, and to my true calling. It was truly the perfect storm that led to what is now my life’s work.

I truly feel that I have always known my purpose in this life, and that is to deeply help others however I can. Even when I was a little girl I was aware that I came to this earth to model and teach self-love, but NONE of that made sense until I experienced my own personal journey through self discovery, healing my past, and an intensive meditation practice.

I had so much but it wasn’t enough…

 I was an award winning professional Interior Designer and artist for 23 years, I loved it, and I was very gifted at it. Being creative fed my soul and I got paid well for it…but it wasn’t enough. I was an overachiever always striving for perfection and recognition.

I was a Mom of 2 very young boys, I was a wife, I ran our household, spearheaded design committees, sat on school PTA’s, accepted the most difficult and time consuming projects, and I loved it all very much…but that also wasn’t enough. I was purposely distracting myself to mask my pain, spread far too thin, and never fully present. I was surviving and going through the motions of my life, but I wasn’t fully present because my mind was always somewhere else.

I grew up with parents that were hurting and searching for themselves so I always felt disconnected and lonely. I was not abused, but because I was so highly empathic as well as clairvoyant, I could feel EVERYTHING that they did and thought at the deepest of levels while also internalizing it.

I was bullied and picked on all through my school years for being “sensitive” and “different”. This happened not only with students but some teachers as well. Talk about some deep energetic imprints and PTSD!

Later, I continued the same imprinted patterns and married someone who was hurting too. Because our own personal wounds weren’t healed or addressed, we continued to trigger each other into our worst behaviors and treatment of each other. I did everything I could, including substance abuse, to escape mentally, physically, and emotionally from my personal pain, the pain being projected upon me by others, AND all of my old childhood programming. Finally, I DID gather the courage to make intense and transformative changes within EVERY SINGLE aspect of my life!

In hindsight, I was addicted to being busy, addicted to numbing myself from the pain of my life, and addicted to and stuck in my pain because it was comfortable and what I understood then.

I was an emotional sponge absorbing everything around me…

I was a highly sensitive person bordering on Sensory Processing Disorder, diagnosed with ADHD, and diagnosed with Bipolar II. Although I don’t claim or fit those labels in any way now, I had been, before, suffocated by them for as long as I could remember. I absorbed everything…others emotions, the energy of any environment, the world’s pain…you name it, I took it on as my own and it was slowly killing me.

Something had to give and something had to shift… 

I was tired of being a distracted, irritable and not feeling like the woman that I knew was in there trying to express herself and fulfill a deep soul purpose. I didn’t want any more crippling panic attacks coming out of no where. I didn’t want doctors just hurling medication at me and rushing me out on my way. I wanted to have clarity and feel peace in my heart and in my body. I didn’t want to keep hoping and begging to be heard and understood within a marriage that was controlling and empty. I wanted to be fully present and to love my kids as the real me…the joyful beautiful me. I wanted to attract the peace, love, and joy that I longed for instead of forcing myself on it to no avail.

I found my medicine… 

I was somewhat of a holistic tramp for about 5 years (insert giggle here). I had the money to try some things to help myself so I tried it all. So many interesting modalities like acupuncture, cupping, massage, psychics, and herbal supplements. Each helped in some way, but nothing made the difference until I found mindfulness and meditation. Studying and practicing mindfulness and meditation (which I thought was just going to be a passing fancy for me) was the holy grail of medicine for me. They became my light in what seemed like eternal darkness. Through mindful awareness and practicing various forms of meditation I was able to dramatically shift my perspective. Over time I was able to shift my entire way of thinking and being. My energy changed, my outlook changed and then my life changed…for the better. I was able to let go of all the things that were no longer serving me and now have all that I ever wanted and all that I ever needed.

But that awareness wasn’t just FOR me and my own personal transformation. It was a gift TO me so that I could share it with others!

It is my calling to help others heal as I was able to heal myself…

My extensive education, experience, and clairvoyant empathic gifts have enabled me to help countless light-filled souls deeply on every level for the past 19 years!

Spirituality is my entire life, my complete way of existing. My spirit, heart, and soul are devoted to service for the greatest good of ALL beings!

I am here to help you remember your soul self and activate your highest HOME frequency, so be ready to receive and also do the work in maintaining that frequency!

I choose to meet you wherever you are and guide you on your journey using what I call the human-to-human approach. I see you, I connect with you, and I am here for you… I am fully present, and I can show you the way back to your heart, back to peace and joy.

Some of  my certifications and qualifications include:

  • Professional Clairvoyant guide and counselor with more than 16 years of experience
  • Certified Mindfulness Meditation Instructor through the University Of Holistic Theology
  • Certified Reiki Master in 5 Reiki Modalities
  • Certified Master to teach and practice Ma’Heo’O Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Usui Traditional Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, and Anchoring Light Reiki.
  • Ordained Minister/Wedding Officiant in the state of Ohio
  • Shamanic Practitioner
  • Grand Master Reiki Teacher and Practitioner (having practiced more than 10 years, received and completed further extensive attunements, study & practice)
  • Certified in Crystal and Vibrational Healing
  • Certified in Sound Healing Therapy using tuning forks and singing bowls
  • Women’s circle and ceremony leader for 15 years

Are you ready to manage your peace and experience your soul connection and authentic self? Let’s connect!