Woman Activated!

A journey to remembering and activating your highest divine feminine frequency and consciousness!

“I’ve had a very special vision showing itself to me for some time where women gather and become activated and attuned to their highest frequency and calling. Now that I’ve birthed that vision into reality, I invite you to share this journey with me!” Sheri Rathburn/Om2Ohm

The sacred divine feminine is calling you home and inviting you to remember your highest self!

It is time to honor the soul whispers in your ear and to hear them in your heart. It is time to discover the divine feminine wisdom within you at the DNA level. It is time to remember, reclaim, and reveal all that you are! 

For this epic event, Woman Activated, I am ecstatic to be collaborating with Melissa Tittl, Hathor Studios founder and CEO, investigative journalist and producer of the award winning documentary, Code 12.  

Together, we will be bringing you an incredible symphony of esoteric knowledge, divine feminine wisdom and connection along with Deep DNA Activation and immersive meditation experiences to empower and inspire you!

Melissa and I hope you will accept this invitation to gather and experience with us the Woman Activated journey! 

Prepare to be activated.

Prepare to bring all aspects of your divine feminine and your soul back home to your heart.

Prepare to celebrate and connect with other like-minded souls just like you!

This epic event includes:

  • Sharing sacred space with like/minded souls.
  • Learn from two dedicated women teachers and sacred rebels who are deeply passionate about sharing their wisdom.
  • Learn the science, history and esoteric knowledge of the forgotten wise woman.
  • Reconnect with your divine feminine aspects through powerful guided meditation.
  • Journey through an Immersive DNA Visual and Energetic Activation experience on the big screen!
  • Exercises to discover who you are underneath the masks you may be wearing.
  • Tools to help you stay the course of your true expressions.
  • Exclusive gifts just for the women activated experience.
  • Free access to the movie code 12 now streaming on Amazon.
  • Access to the streaming version of the Woman Activated experience so that you can revisit some of the themes.
  • VIP opportunity to mingle during a meet and greet after the event with honored guest Melissa Tittl of Hathor Studios and Sheri Rathburn of Om2Ohm.

For in depth details and exclusive content, visit the official Woman Activated event website here!

How did women activated come to be? 

Within visions, dreams and the ecstasis of connection with so many beautiful experiences through helping my clients, leading women’s circles and being with gorgeous souls like you, I kept being strongly guided to bring many women together to GATHER. 

Gather to remember. 

Gather to expand consciousness. 

Gather to empower.

Gather to activate.

The Divine feminine is a woven tapestry of fertility, creativity and intuition and our ability to be connected to all of life. These qualities are incredibly sacred and powerful, but they have been subdued for centuries in so many ways. We are here to guide you back to that remembering and deep connection with your divine feminine!

Melissa Tittl will unravel never before presented data along with information presented in her movie Code 12 , that links our very existence to ancient codes we are unaware of.  These codes are the piece of the puzzle that will unlock our true potential as divine beings!

DNA Activation and Remembering your ancestral feminine wisdom…

Deep Meditation and personal channeling sessions allowed Sheri to bring through a powerful and immersive guided visualization to activate 12 main DNA strands, including spiritual DNA codes and encoded ancestral wisdom. Fractal (sacred geometry) geometric visuals,  binaural frequencies and ambient music are combined with the guided DNA visualization to enhance and deepen the experience. 

Sheri and Melissa are so honored to hold space for you and share this sacred and powerful wisdom at this event!

You are allowed to remember. You are allowed to feel this at a cellular level so that you can realize your highest potential and highest frequency. And so it is! 



Phoenix Theatres Lennox Town Center 24

777 Kinnear Road Columbus, OH 43212


This is an inclusive event!

This is event focuses on the divine feminine and ALL are invited to attend and share in this epic experience!

We look forward to welcoming you!



Sunday, September 22, 2024
9/22/24 4:00pm – 9/22/24 8:00pm